Myth 1: DIY is Enough; Contractors Just Rip You Off

With so much information out there about DIY projects, it’s so easy to dismiss the importance of experts in making a project not just easy but seamless and hassle-free. There are enough YouTube weekend warrior episodes to convince you that you can get your lazy ass off the couch and start taking out that tacky laminate then mint a new marble countertop. But how many times have you found yourself shaking your head watching a project gone wrong? Not everyone can pull off a DIY project well. It’s not necessarily expensive to hire an expert when that person can provide you unique ideas, clarity, sound planning, and insider tips. Not to mention, when you DIY, you have to spend much time planning, buying materials, and getting dirty doing the actual job. In theory, you or your spouse or a friend can do that together, but in reality, the trial and error could prove costly. I know some friends who spent next to nothing attempting DIY, but spent a fortune afterwards because the DIY project went very wrong. Most times, complicated projects are better left to the experts’ hands. Their knowledge about residential construction can’t be underestimated—they have been there, done that. Thus, if you want a kitchen remodel that works, better see a contractor or a designer.

Myth 2: Renovation is ALWAYS Expensive

It certainly is not. Sure, it’s not cheap to hire an expert for a project. The cost of construction materials have increased in the recent years. But if you are planning to have a kitchen remodel with an intention to sell (investment), or you want to make it functional (productivity and system), you’ll realize it will be worth the price tag. A well-planned and strategic renovation can add more real estate value to a home. Making a kitchen as functional as possible makes your life easy, as well. So in the long run, if you take into account the pros and cons of a kitchen remodel, you’ll realize the advantages outnumber the cons.

Besides, kitchen renovation shouldn’t cost you a fortune if you know which ones to splurge, and which ones to get your cheap on. La Quinta Construction can give you some tips on how to plan your kitchen remodel when you are on a budget.

Myth 3: Just Go With Your Gut

There are things you just have to entrust to your instincts and gut feel, but renovation shouldn’t be one of them. Any residential construction MUST involve careful planning. Remember the hackneyed saying “Those who fail to plan plan to fail”? It’s true in a project like kitchen remodel. Your kitchen is one of the most important (if not the most important) room in your house. Changing or upgrading it needs careful planning and strategy.

So next time you find yourself contemplating revamping your kitchen but are held back by hesitation, check if those reasons are valid, or just myths that should be ignored. 

Granite countertops are a top choice when it comes to aesthetics and durability. The material is a very good choice in residential construction, be it in kitchen remodel or bathroom remodel. It is tough, hard, and compared to its fancy contemporary, marble, it is better at withstanding exposure to chemicals and substances. Although it is one of the best materials used in both kitchen remodel and bathroom remodel, there are still some things to remember to maintain the showroom beauty of your granite vanity top.

La Quinta Construction treats and seals the slab for granite countertop prior to installation. Sealing not only protects the granite from surface damage caused by constant use, it also prolongs the nice and smooth texture of your countertop.  Experts in La Quinta Construction seals and lets the “stone impregnator” or sealing agent to penetrate and bond to the cracks and crevices of the granite slab so that future stains and other particles don’t get in it permanently. What you can do to maintain your granite countertop in tip-top shape is to seal it every year. If you feel you are not treating it with enough TLC, sealing it every six months is ideal too.

There are many products in the market that are sold to help you clean your granite countertop, but what actually work best are chemicals that are not too harsh. Avoid bleach, very acidic vinegars, and very abrasive cleaning products. They do more damage than harm. They strip your granite surface of its protective layer and rob off its inherent shine. Water or any neutral cleaner will do for cleaning. You can also use warm water and a soft cleaning towel to wipe the surface. If you need more than water to clean, you may do so with a mild liquid soap or a mild dishwashing soap. When not in use, wipe it off with a soft, dry chamois, so dusts don’t gather on it. In case of accidentally spilling liquids into it, just blot them off immediately.

With enough knowledge in your arsenal, cleaning your granite countertop is a breeze and keeping it nice is easy as ABC. 

Just like marble and granite countertops, travertine stone is now a popular option for kitchen countertops. Here are several tips on how to clean and protect this desert stone:

1. Check with your Palm Springs construction workers if the stone is sealed.

It should me sealed, especially if it has honed or tumbled finish. This will help in case of a spill of an aggressive substance, like cranberry juice or red wine.

2. Sweep up spills quickly.

Unlike granite countertops, travertine is sensitive to carbonated drinks, ketchup, and tomato sauce. In case of spill, clean it up quickly using hot water and a stone cleaning product. Moreover, travertine is a very porous material, and any spills left standing for some time will dull the finish and may stain the surface.

3. Refrain from using lemon, vinegar, bleach, or ammonia as cleaning agents.

Travertine is sensitive to acidic substances and using such cleaners will only serve to damage your tile. Other generic tile cleaners must also be avoided as they are abrasive and may contain acid. Also, do not place bathroom products directly on top of travertine kitchen countertops. Some of these products may accidentally spill and stain or damage your tiles.

4. Use a neutral cleaner or stone soap, instead.

This is best applied using a clean mop, sponge, or soft cloth, quickly followed by a dry mop. Take care not to use too much as this produces streaks on the kitchen countertops when used in excess.

5. Sealing your travertine will guard against staining.

But it won’t prevent etching. Etching is when the finish becomes dull due to an acid having eaten the porous stone. Etching looks similar to a watermark. It is most common with granite countertops and honed or tumbled travertine.

6. Consult a Palm Springs construction company.

When you decide to install travertine stone into your design, ask your Palm Springs construction company about its limitations and performance. These professionals will also give pieces of advise on how to how to avoid damage, etching, and staining.

Follow these renovation and design tips for your Palm Springs construction and enjoy saving time on housekeeping and chores in the long run.

1. An upcoming kitchen remodel project is the perfect time to install marble countertops and see-through cabinet shelves. With see-through cabinet covers, you will be able to save time in looking for cooking implements and ingredients because you won't have to check the shelves one by one.

2. If you're installing a new toilet for your Palm Springs construction, you can try this neat trick to make sure that your first flush will be a success. Before you set the toilet, put its wax ring in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. Hardened wax is more compact and will stand up to the weight of the commode, making sure the seal will be tight once the toilet is set.

3. Handling a kitchen remodel can be quite a tedious process. Aside from installing marble countertops, you may also have to cut vinyl siding for the flooring. Cut vinyl easier by using a mini-grinder fitted with an abrasive 4.5 inch cutting wheel.

4. If you need to hole-saw metal during your Palm Springs construction or kitchen remodel, you can try this neat little trick. Before anything, hole-saw through a yellow car wash sponge, leave the sponge inside the saw, then soak it in cutting fluid. Because of the cutting fluid inside the saw, you will be able to cut cleaner holes and your saw's teeth will also last longer.

5. When renovating kitchens, aside from replacing marble countertops, you might also have to apply polyurethane to finish your cabinet drawers. To make your latex gloves last longer during this process, instead of removing them when you have to hold something with a clean hand, simply invert one glove halfway onto the other.

Strategic designing, planning, and execution will take you a long way when it comes to saving on renovation costs. Minimize your budget for a Palm Springs construction and residential upkeep with the following tips.

1. Instead of investing on the floor area of a construction project, pay attention to making the most out of what little space you have.

2. Think of ways to make use of natural light without having to add windows to your home. For bathroom remodelling projects, you can install a light tube between rafters and funnels to let sunshine in.

3. Save on DIY Palm Springs construction projects by heading to recycling centers. Here, you can find discounted building and decorating materials, such as granite countertops and sinks.

4. Invest on good construction materials and save on long-term maintenance costs. Using pre-finished boards and a coating of paint at installation is cheaper than 2 shoddy paint jobs.

5. Go directly to the supplier of your Palm Springs construction company to save on subcontractor fees. Sure, you have to make more phone calls than the usual, but you'll also be able to lessen the cost of your bathroom remodelling project by getting discounted granite countertops and building materials.

6. Consult an architect. Some renovation projects don't need full-on architectural advise and there are architects that offer sound yet simple solutions to structural problems for a minimal fee.

7.  For kitchen and bathroom remodelling, avoid moving the toilet and kitchen sink since these parts cost the bulk of plumbing fees. If you have to move the toilet, be sure to replace the old pipes as well so you can save money on the long run.

8. Buy building supplies at an auction. These events feature every type of building materials under the sun and these are sold at a great price. On good days, you might even be able to spot inexpensive granite countertops that will fit your new kitchen.

It takes a bit of knowledge to make sure that your latest DIY residential construction won't turn into an expensive salvage project for a La Quinta construction company. Here are some tips to help you replace kitchen countertops and paint walls without spending a lot of money.

1. Wait for a local shop sale or go direct to builder suppliers and enjoy discounts.

Waiting is never easy, especially if you can see a need in your house that must be taken care of asap. Remember, however,  that patience will let you score huge discounts for your residential construction project. Drop by the nearest construction depot every now and then or visit the supplier of your La Quinta construction company and make an inquiry. In preparation for the upcoming sale, you can create a list of things and materials that you need, such as doors, windows, and kitchen countertops, so when the time comes, all you have to do shop to your heart's content.

3. Shop online.

You'll be surprised to find a lot of suppliers selling affordable furniture, furnishing, and building materials on the Internet. Some sites offer everything from plumbing fixtures to gardening implements, while some specialize in certain materials, such as kitchen countertops. You can also try searching for pre-loved or secondhand items on online catalogs and personal ads, but you have to be extra meticulous when looking at the quality of the stuff that you are going to buy.

5. For painting jobs, buy mis-tinted paints.

If you can't wait for a sale, you can head straight to a supplier of La Quinta construction materials and still save money. Most construction supply companies have a section for mis-tinted paints which you can buy at a great price. Mix several paints together for your residential construction and paint way, just be sure to have extra paint for touch-ups in the future.

A kitchen remodel project is not exactly the cheapest endeavor that you will do when redesigning your home. Upgrades in general are costly, and doing such in your bathroom will require you to buy expensive additions, such as kitchen countertops, cabinets, and tiles. If you're not at all willing to spend your lifetime savings just to renovate you're bathroom, then this article is for you. Here, we're giving you tips from the most trusted Palm Desert construction. Follow these to save as much money as possible.

1. You don't always have to begin with purchasing big items like kitchen countertops from your chosen Palm Desert construction company. Instead, start your kitchen remodel project with the smallest details, such as doorknobs, hinges, handles, lampshades, blinds, curtains, rugs, and doormats. Upgrading these is totally inexpensive, and putting them in are quick, but they certainly make a great difference.

2. For budget-conscious home owners, many Palm Desert construction experts also suggest to repaint their walls and change their wallpaper. These are also some of the most inexpensive upgrades. Go further by also giving your bathroom ceiling a fresh new color. If you want, you can experiment with neutral-colored walls against bold-colored ceilings.

3. You can also decorate your kitchen countertops and windows with real plants. Moreover, you can also purchase affordable scented candles from garage sales.

4. Decorating your walls with framed photos, paintings, and other artwork is also a good idea when doing a kitchen remodel project. To make your walls more stylish, you can even install switchplate covers on your light switches and electrical outlets.

5. Is purchasing a new set of furniture is out of the question? You can simply line your current bathroom pieces with a slip-on cover or any kind of fabric with stylish designs. By laying new patterns on your furniture, you can instantly give your bathroom a new look.


It’s easy for any homeowner to envision the kitchen of their dreams; the hard part is turning that vision into a reality. Usually, turning theses kitchen remodel ideas into an actual working space is not limited by the ability of Palm Desert Construction but by the budget of the homeowner. Worry not, though, if you find yourself a bit short on funding right before replacing your granite countertops and appliances. You can follow these steps to minimize your renovation costs without saying goodbye to your dream kitchen.

Set a budget

Setting a budget is a must for any home renovation. You should know how much you’re willing to spend on your kitchen remodel project so Palm Desert Construction can give you an advice on the most practical approach to realizing your ideal kitchen. While deciding on a budget, remember that for renovations, materials typically eat the lion’s share of the money at 80 percent. Appliances come at 15 percent and granite countertops and other such installations take 10 percent. Plumbing, windows, doors, and lighting combined take up about 5 percent.

Create a priority list

As much as your budget will be a constraint, it will also help you prioritize aspect of your kitchen remodel project that requires the most immediate attention. It is advised that you put the parts which will impact the renovation the most at the top of the priority list. For example, you can ask for Palm Desert Construction‘s stock cabinetry instead of having one custom made for your home. Choose cabinets with wooden doors. Later on, you can have these customized with paint, trim, stain, and molding pieces for that desired look. Instead of granite countertops, you can choose laminate, too. But, considering that countertop installations only cost 10 percent of the total budget, you can splurge a bit on this part.

Laminate countertops outnumber marble countertops these days. Many customers of Palm Springs construction companies find laminate a convenient material because it is affordable, mass-produced, and very adaptable. Would you believe that this popular composite material has paper in it? Of course, the paper and other materials used for these kitchen countertops are bonded in high heat and pressure between layers of resins or plastic. The laminate, now a very thin layer, is glued to cheap plywood. The finished product is then used as the top of a kitchen counter.

Of course, using laminate also has its disadvantages. You can't expect it to be durable. It easily cracks, and, in due time, you'll notice your kitchen countertops slowly disintegrating. Most Palm Springs construction companies also notice that, compared with marble countertops, laminate can easily be defaced with scorch marks, leaving the wood layer of the plywood exposed. But don't fret just yet if you have laminate in your kitchen. While it can be easily damaged, it is also quite easy to clean. And if you know how to take care of it properly, you can look forward years without renovation.

Laminate countertops don't stain as badly as other materials do. Compared with marble countertops, laminate can easily withstand a variety of cleaning products, from soap to water to vinegar to bleach. What you have to be prepared for is when heat does damage to your laminate. If you have really damaged kitchen countertops like mine, though, you can start considering the services of a Palm Springs construction company. Because of years of use, what used to be a smooth finish has now been replaced by a texture that resembles faux leather. After baking, I need to use hot water and scrub the surface with a brush just to make sure that I've eliminated all the dough.

Home remodelling is no easy feat, and the idea is to hire a contractor not only capable of giving birth to your vision but also do so in the smoothest way possible. If you have been actively searching for one, use this guide to end your search and get the best tradesmen on your side today.

1. Let the pros lead the way.

In anything, it is but natural to go with expert recommendation. When looking for the right people to do bathroom remodelling, the easiest trick is to enlist the help of a pro to find a pro. Find leads from your local building inspector or someone experienced in the field to learn insider tips such as in-demand industry leaders like some La Quinta construction or Desert stone works company. If a name is highly recommended, there is a reason behind it.

2. Consider the quality of the relationship.

Not all contractors are created equal, so assess them very well straight up. When working with a La Quinta construction or Desert stone works company, keep in mind that you are entrusting your house to a stranger. As such, you need to work well together. Personalities must gel, and the working relationship should be natural and comfortable. In the end, the quality of this relationship has a big impact on the outcome of the project, be it bathroom remodelling or other home improvement projects. 

3. Translate your vision.

Nothing can induce headache more than asking an in-demand contractor like La Quinta construction or Desert stone works company for a rough estimate when you don't know what you want. Whatever home or bathroom remodelling project you have planned, be sure to translate your vision into drawing and specs. Being clear on the details saves you a lot of time and money, and guarantees that the output meets your expectation.



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    December 2013

