Myth 1: DIY is Enough; Contractors Just Rip You Off

With so much information out there about DIY projects, it’s so easy to dismiss the importance of experts in making a project not just easy but seamless and hassle-free. There are enough YouTube weekend warrior episodes to convince you that you can get your lazy ass off the couch and start taking out that tacky laminate then mint a new marble countertop. But how many times have you found yourself shaking your head watching a project gone wrong? Not everyone can pull off a DIY project well. It’s not necessarily expensive to hire an expert when that person can provide you unique ideas, clarity, sound planning, and insider tips. Not to mention, when you DIY, you have to spend much time planning, buying materials, and getting dirty doing the actual job. In theory, you or your spouse or a friend can do that together, but in reality, the trial and error could prove costly. I know some friends who spent next to nothing attempting DIY, but spent a fortune afterwards because the DIY project went very wrong. Most times, complicated projects are better left to the experts’ hands. Their knowledge about residential construction can’t be underestimated—they have been there, done that. Thus, if you want a kitchen remodel that works, better see a contractor or a designer.

Myth 2: Renovation is ALWAYS Expensive

It certainly is not. Sure, it’s not cheap to hire an expert for a project. The cost of construction materials have increased in the recent years. But if you are planning to have a kitchen remodel with an intention to sell (investment), or you want to make it functional (productivity and system), you’ll realize it will be worth the price tag. A well-planned and strategic renovation can add more real estate value to a home. Making a kitchen as functional as possible makes your life easy, as well. So in the long run, if you take into account the pros and cons of a kitchen remodel, you’ll realize the advantages outnumber the cons.

Besides, kitchen renovation shouldn’t cost you a fortune if you know which ones to splurge, and which ones to get your cheap on. La Quinta Construction can give you some tips on how to plan your kitchen remodel when you are on a budget.

Myth 3: Just Go With Your Gut

There are things you just have to entrust to your instincts and gut feel, but renovation shouldn’t be one of them. Any residential construction MUST involve careful planning. Remember the hackneyed saying “Those who fail to plan plan to fail”? It’s true in a project like kitchen remodel. Your kitchen is one of the most important (if not the most important) room in your house. Changing or upgrading it needs careful planning and strategy.

So next time you find yourself contemplating revamping your kitchen but are held back by hesitation, check if those reasons are valid, or just myths that should be ignored. 

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    December 2013

